Monadnock Music’s Lend an Ear program visited AES’s 3rd graders introducing them to the Harp, Flute, and Viola. The ConVal Arts Enrichment Program helps support bringing these musicians to the ConVal Elementary Schools.
Month: May 2019
Sergeant Bob Edwards spoke to AES students at our annual Memorial Day Assembly. He shared the history of Memorial Day as well as his family’s military involvement through the years.
Read More: Sergeant Bob Edwards, guest speaker at AES Memorial Day Assembly
For C Day of the Kindergarten ABC Countdown, they had Care For Your Egg Day and had an egg drop. They used recyclables to protect the egg then dropped them from the top of a ladder.
Each spring AES girls participate in the Girls on the Run program.
This program works to encourage pre-teen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games,
As part of the AES–PTO Spring Fest, Officer Horn from the Antrim Police Department in conjunction with the Antrim Recreation Department, hosted a Bike Rodeo for Antrim children to learn about bike safety.